
Tesla radiant energy collector patent
Tesla radiant energy collector patent

  • Y10 - technical subjects covered by former uspc.
  • Y04 - information or communication technologies having an impact on other technology areas.
  • Y02 - technologies or applications for mitigation or adaptation against climate change.
  • + Y - new / cross sectional technologies.
  • H99 - subject matter not otherwise provided for in this section.
  • H05 - electric techniques not otherwise provided for.
  • G99 - subject matter not otherwise provided for in this section.
  • G16 - information and communication technology specially adapted for specific application fields.
  • F99 - subject matter not otherwise provided for in this section.
  • F17 - storing or distributing gases or liquids.
  • F05 - indexing schemes relating to engines or pumps in various subclasses of classes f01-f04.
  • F04 - positive - displacement machines for liquids.
  • E99 - subject matter not otherwise provided for in this section.
  • E06 - doors, windows, shutters, or roller blinds in general.
  • E01 - construction of roads, railways, or bridges.
  • D99 - subject matter not otherwise provided for in this section.
  • tesla radiant energy collector patent

    D10 - indexing scheme associated with sublasses of section d, relating to textiles.

    tesla radiant energy collector patent

    D06 - treatment of textiles or the like.D01 - natural or man-made threads or fibres.C99 - subject matter not otherwise provided for in this section.C25 - electrolytic or electrophoretic processes.C11 - animal or vegetable oils, fats, fatty substances or waxes.C10 - petroleum, gas or coke industries.C02 - treatment of water, waste water, sewage, or sludge.B99 - subject matter not otherwise provided for in this section.B67 - opening, closing bottles, jars or similar containers.

    tesla radiant energy collector patent

    B63 - ships or other waterborne vessels.B62 - land vehicles for travelling otherwise than on rails.B33 - additive manufacturing technology.B31 - making articles of paper, cardboard or material worked in a manner analogous to paper.B27 - working or preserving wood or similar material.B21 - mechanical metal-working without essentially removing material.B06 - generating or transmitting mechanical vibrations in general.B04 - centrifugal apparatus or machines for carrying-out physical or chemical processes.

    tesla radiant energy collector patent

  • B03 - separation of solid materials using liquids or using pneumatic tables or jigs.
  • B02 - crushing, pulverising, or disintegrating.
  • B01 - physical or chemical processes or apparatus in general.
  • A99 - subject matter not otherwise provided for in this section.

  • Tesla radiant energy collector patent